Monday, November 23, 2009

My Opinion

Since it's my blog my opinion is the only one that matters here... just so you know! So I've been thinking. Since this is my blog, technically it's "my" world here and I have something I would like to say. Now don't get me wrong, you are entitled to your opinion, but just know that right here and right now mine is the only one going to be heard (unless you choose to comment which nobody ever does, even though I know you are reading this).
Ok, so here goes. First of all, I think that I should be independently wealthy. Not like rolling in money, traveling the world kind of wealthy, but just the kind where life is comfy, bills are paid, and we can take an occasional vacation. I don't want to work unless I feel like it, and even then the hours of my choosing. Yup, that's what I think.
Secondly, I think that children should always be happy and entertained. They should never get bored to the point where they are running around the house screaming and throwing tin foil balls at each other. They should never be so enticed to pound each other and hurl themselves at the other. Yup, definitely a good idea!
Thirdly, plane tickets should be cheaper. It should not cost me in excess of $2000 to go visit my family in SD. Nope, it should be much less and it should also be a fast, easy, and inclement weather free trip.
Fourthly, I think dogs should only bark when they truly need to, for example a tall, hulking bad guy at my door. They should never bark at invisible men, other dogs, and the imaginary sounds outside. They should always stay in the yard and not torment the neighbor kids. They will always pee and poop in their designated spot within our yard and they clean it up when they are finished. That is a grand idea.
Fifthly, since I do have to work, and the not the hours of my choosing, deliveries should always be a pleasant experience. There should not be such a thing as decels and meconium. There should not be cranky doctors and midwives with holier than now attitudes. Patients should always be of normal and sane mind, and their mothers should be at home sleeping or in the waiting room until they are called. They should not have mothers who think they know how to read a strip, and think that it's ok to turn up the pitocin to help things along. They should also learn where the kitchen it to get ice for their daughters since they insist on being in the room for the whole entire labor experience.
Lastly, again since I am not independently wealthy, and cannot choose my hours, I thinks husbands should never have to work late. They should be home around 4:00 every day and never be too tired to help out. They should not have to work night and day and then be so exhausted they cannot even function let alone be any fun to be around!!
As stated before these are merely my opinions, but it's my blog, therefore my world!


Saturday, November 7, 2009

I Know...

I know it's not even Thanksgiving yet but hear me out. I know Christmas is still forever away, but I figure why unpack everyday stuff when I just have to turn around and pack it all back up so I can put Christmas out? This way I can just unpack Christmas and then I can enjoy my mint truffle Hershey kisses now instead of waiting till the end of November!! I know you understand my logic.... right?


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Excuse My French

Middle school SUCKS!! I feel like my poor son is so swamped in homework that he is forgetting how to be a kid! Does that make sense?

When I was in 6th grade I remember having time to come home and watch a few cartoons, have a snack, take a bike ride, eat supper with my family, and even talk on the phone to my friends. I remember doing homework for about 30 mins daily, sometimes up to an hour. I stress the word sometimes. I remember having slumber parties, having my first "boyfriend", having friends over for the weekend. I remember I played Y-ball every Saturday. I remember getting my first bra (however unnecessary it was). I remember the musical I did in chorus at school.

Want to know what BB is gonna remember? HOMEWORK. Never ending, tear streaking, head aching, fist pounding hours of homework. I'm so frustrated with all of this. He has gotten caught up but has so much work to do EVERY single day that it's almost impossible to stay caught up. We have yet to take our bike ride together around our new neighborhood. He hasn't watched cartoons in days. He sits at the table hour after hour pouring over homework only to go to school the next day to get more. I just don't know what to do!!! I'm watching my little boy have to be a grown up. It makes me angry that the school is stealing his childhood from him. They are stealing his joy. Do you know he hasn't even had time to go to church on Wed night? OUT OF CONTROL. I'm seriously comtemplating private school next year just to give the poor kid a break!


Monday, November 2, 2009


This morning was a great morning. We woke up in our new home, which we are still not used to! The kids went back to school after a whole week off for fall break. I am making progress on putting the house together. Cable gets installed today. I have the whole day to myself in my new house. Good day right? Well.....

I went to Walmart this morning after taking DQ to school to go grocery shopping. I came in under budget which is ALWAYS a good thing. So I'm slowly backing out, thinking what a great morning I was having, carefully looking because there was a van blocking my view. All of a sudden I hear a guy yelling. I stop and look to see him coming up behind me, from behind the van, with a little boy in his cart cussing and screaming at me. He then proceeded to kick my car then began to come up to my window all the while screaming and cussing and hands flying. I was so stunned and scared all I could think to do was lay on my horn in hopes that someone would come to my rescue. He was out of control! Needless to say he headed off into the store yelling a cussing the whole way in. I sat there and cried and shook and called hubby. Hubby wanted me to call the police but that poor little boy was so cute and would you want your child watching you get arrested for assault? Trust me, had he been alone the police would have been called quick, fast, and in a hurry! I was so incredibly freaked out. What in the world was WRONG with him????????

Anyway, the rest of my day has been just dandy thank you very much!!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I've posted before about little Stellan (just click the button above to visit his page).
He has been doing wonderful with his SVT until last night. Sadly precious Stellan is having his worst bout yet. Please pray for him and his family right now. Drop what you are doing and PRAY! If you would like to follow the updates you can follow their twitter acount. You don't have to twitter, I don't, but she updates a lot on there.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Well, we are moved in to our new home. I love my house, I love it, love it, love it.
This being said it's pathetic that I'm down. I love change so very much as you all know! I'm down because life feels different. Not different in a bad way, just different; and different doesn't go over well with me. Pathetic I know.

Know what else is pathetic? How dependent I am upon cable tv. Not just me, my whole family. We are having cable issues and we are suffering greatly I must say. To our credit, BB is sick and it's pouring down rain, again, which limits us greatly as to possible alternative activities. BB actually took a nap today. The last time that happened he wasn't even potty trained yet! He's so miserable! We are so miserable! Pathetic.

Last night I was laying on our new reclining sofa watching the 5oth movie of the day and fell asleep about 9:00. I woke up sometime around 2 am and headed to my bed. Around 3 BB came stumbling in burning up with fever and babbling about algebraic equations. I panicked, woke hubby up, and then fell asleep next to BB in our great big new garden tub. Pathetic.

As far as fall breaks go this one will go down as bitter sweet. No traveling to some exotic destinations. No day after day of fun. However, we are in our brand new house, making it our home, and loving it. We are bored and cranky and irritable. We are frustrated and tired and have cabin fever (and regular fever too). BB has said on more than one occasion that he has no life (guess being sick and getting bad grades does that to ya!). DQ has a play date Thursday. We are getting lots of rest. We are getting very organized. We are cooking lots of food. Pathetic.
Maybe this summer we will travel to some place fun and exciting! Maybe??? PLEASE???? Pathetic I know!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Our son BB has always been an overachiever of sorts. He has always been the one we knew we didn't have to worry about. He usually does what he's told, he's pretty responsible, and he's very reliable. BB has been a straight A student since he started school. He loves to read and draw. He has the funniest personality of any kid I've ever met. He's always been solid as a rock. Lately our little guy has started to stumble HARD. He is not doing his school work, he's talking and being disruptive in class, he's been caught in several lies, and I even caught him reading a book he know's he's not allowed to read.
Now don't get me wrong. I realize he's just a kid. I know he's human and he's gonna make mistakes. I know he cannot be perfect all the time. What I'm struggling with is that it's becoming an everyday occurrence. I don't trust him at all right now. I'm so angry at him, and so hurt by him. I have gotten emails from two of his teachers and it's only the beginning of the 2nd quarter. I have NEVER gotten a negative email about him. I am just at a loss of what to do. He is not turning in assignments, he's "losing" things, and he is just plain all out lying about his school work.
I feel terrible about being so angry at him, but I am so hurt by this. I just don't understand what is going on! As I type this he is sitting at the counter at 9:00 doing work that was due last week. He has been working on make up work all week and still doesn't seem to understand the gravity of his situation. We have taken away all of his privileges. He sat down on the couch to read a book tonight and I had to make him put it down to do more homework. This is breaking my heart. I just don't understand and I just don't know what to do!
I have been trying so hard not to constantly ride him about it. I have tried to be encouraging and patient. I have tried to keep in mind that middle school can be a big adjustment. Tonight though I finally lost my patience. I got an email from his science teacher asking if he could start staying after school to catch up because she is concerned he won't be able to if he falls any further behind. It would be one thing if the work was too hard, that I could understand. He's just being lazy. He even said as much to me. Bless his heart, he has admitted to all of his wrong doings when asked, but he has been very sneaky until he got caught. I'm just at a loss. I am just sad and frustrated.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

All Better

No worries, we are no longer contagious so it's safe to come back! DQ is all healed up and back to her usual spunky self!! Really this swine/H1N1 flu was no big deal!

So I don't know if you remember a few posts back where I was whining about being put in my place at work. A couple of fellow coworkers took it upon themselves to inform a manager of my fears (just so you know they were never fears just strong dislike) of a specific aspect of my job. Anyhooo.... I am pleased to announce that what went around came around last night. I know I know, get over it Amy. Grow up Amy. Move on Amy. Well, guess what? I am imperfect and decided to wallow in self pity and anger for a few days, so sue me!

Anyway, last night I was doing my little undesired job aspect and one of the said nurses was bringing me a patient. Apparently the doctor was not impressed with the work of this said nurse and the nurse was asked to repeat a procedure. I have to admit I giggled A LOT, only in my head though, NEVER out loud! Needless to say, it was not her night.

Now, as I snickered all the way home about her night, God kicked me in the head and said "Amy, shame on you!" I am reminded of this verse: Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. Romans 12:19. Now while I did not actually take revenge, I took great pleasure in watching her struggle, and that makes me guilty for not leaving room for God to handle things. What I should have done is offered to give her a hand instead of simply watching her. I could have asked her earlier if there was anything I could do to help her get the patient ready. Instead I let her squirm. I let my anger and selfishness get in the way of my spirit. I am not a mean person. I have a gift for compassion and mercy, yet I stuffed that gift God has given me in a box and put a lid on it. Who am I to give God a gift back? Who am I to decide she needs to be punished. Honestly she did me a favor. She taught me through her ugliness that beauty can abound in me. Instead of letting that beauty abound I repayed her with ugliness. All I can do now is not let it happen again and seek forgiveness.

So I ask you dear bloggy friends to forgive my attitude. I have asked the Lord to forgive me, and I will ask her as well. I am to be a light and I will try my hardest not to fail. I know I will fail, but I will try not to!


Monday, October 5, 2009

Sicky Sicky

In nursing school one of my instructors who actually had her PhD used to say " I don't like all that sicky sicky stuff". Of course we were all thinking HELLOOOOOO? You are a nurse and you don't like "sicky sicky stuff"?

Well, now I know what she meant. I still do dream of being an ICU nurse, but I am currently a labor and delivery nurse and I HATE it when I get a sick patient. Not high blood pressure, renal failure kind of sick, but snotty, fever, diarrhea kind of sick. EWWWWW! I know, makes no sense to you either huh?

My point to all this is that I am tired of sicky sicky here at Hworld. DQ is feeling better, or so I thought, then she woke up this morning hacking up a lung and feverish again. BB woke up this morning in tears because his throat is hurting him so bad. Ugh, sicky sicky!!!!! One of these days I need to go back to work and take care of nice, healthy, laboring women!!!


Saturday, October 3, 2009


Well, I knew it was coming, the swine, or more recent H1N1, flu has graced our family with it's lovely charms. Poor DQ has it. I'll admit though it was good timing. We are in the process of getting ready to move so we don't have much in the way of big plans over the next couple of weeks so we were able to work it so that I can stay home and take care of her. BB is off at a friends house, hubby is at the UGA game, and DQ and I are on the couch eating junk food and watching movies. We are enjoying it too!! While DQ isn't as miserable as she was yesterday she is pale, and tired, and still running a low grade fever. Kids are so resilient! She just bounced right back!

I have to admit, I am enjoying sitting here at home relaxing with her on the couch. I'm sorry she had to get so sick, but there is nothing like spending the day at home with your precious baby! I love being home with her! She's just such a sweet little girl and one of my most favorite people in the world!

Tomorrow we shall sleep in and if she's feeling up to it we will run to Snellville and purchase our new refrigerator for the house. This weekend is tax free on energy efficient appliances so it's a great weekend to get it! I just can't believe how quickly this is all happening!!! We had the home inspection yesterday and other than a few minor cosmetic issues the house is in great shape and ready for us to move in. We are closing on October 16. Can't wait!!

Here's hoping all are well at your home! Don't forget to wash your hands and cough into your arm, not your hands!!!!


Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Today I am angry. Today I am hurt. Today God is showing me how to be a bigger person than I want to be.

I have a very hard job. Being a nurse is a very hard job. Being a nurse where I am a nurse is a very hard job. I work in a huge hospital, with one of the largest birthing centers in the country. It takes team work to get the job done. It does not take division. Last night I was faced with division and it made me angry.

I am a labor and delivery nurse, but there are several aspects to my job. One aspect in particular is not my favorite and it is known around the unit that I do not care for it. I have found support and encouragement as my reasons why are valid and reasonable. However, 2 ladies took it upon themselves to create a problem. They apparently decided to report this dislike of mine as an intense fear to a manager that has met me one time. In order to get me over my fear I will be placed on this particular assignment for 4 weeks.

Well ladies, I would like to thank you. How sweet of you to help me overcome my "fear". I just don't know what I would do without your support and encouragement.

I am so tempted to return the favor. However, while thinking up my sweet return God reminded me that I am to turn the other cheek. I am to heap abundant love and kindness on to the heads of these two women. As hard as that was last night, I was a sweet coworker. I helped where help wasn't needed, I took advice when advice wasn't needed, I said good night and good morning. I socialized nicely, I stocked and charted, I rolled patients and cleaned patients even when it wasn't my patient to roll and clean. I will continue to heap coals of kindness over their sweet little heads! Now, I fully expect God to work on my sweet little attitude........


Monday, September 28, 2009

Not Me Monday

It's time for Not Me Monday and I have NO confessions to make. Nope, not a one. I would never pile all my clean laundry on the love seat instead of folding it. In fact I would never let it get to the point that it is creeping across the living room floor. I would never drop my fork on the ground at a tailgating party only to pick it back up and use it because I didn't want to get out of my chair for a new one! I would never get involved in my neighbor's teenager's drama and offer to charge her for hubby to fix the hole she put in her wall. I'm always sweet to all teenagers whether they deserve it or not!! I don't love Fab the Mayor at all, she's not totally the best neighbor ever and I won't miss her a bit when we move. I also didn't tell my current landlord that when we move he needs to require the next tenants to host the 4th of July party next year. It's not my house and I would never be so bold to tell my landlord anything he MUST do! My children change their underwear and brush their teeth EVERY single day! I am not always lecturing DQ to change her underwear! She is a very responsible, no drama whatsoever, 10 yr old who has hygiene first on her list!!!!! Finally, it's not 1:30 and I'm not still in my pj's. I hopped right out of bed and jumped in the shower and got dressed for the day at 6:00 am to drive the kids to school. I would never be so bold as to drive them in my pj's and no bra!!!!! Nope, not me. Not ever! Now, please go over to Mckmama's house for more funny Not Me Mondays!!!!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Villages and Reminders

While things are going well here at Hworld, God has been swift in reminding me that Satan is alive and well. I was shocked into reality several times this week. I have several friends that are really under attack right now and I covet your prayers for them. While I won't be going into detail, I will give you some direction for your prayer. Marriages are struggling, couples are hurting, children are wanted, people are depressed and sick, and children are hurting.

Now I know these things are going on everywhere, and some of these things are very expected, sometimes these things will rock you to your core. I have been rocked to my core this morning. A dear friend of mine reminded me this morning that affairs can happen to anyone. Heartbreak can occur at anytime and in anyplace, the unexpected should be expected and we should be prepared. Ladies, please beg for the Lord to guard your marriage. Pray for your husbands: they need it. Men, pray for your wives: they need it.

Raising children takes a village and never expect anything less. While disciplining our children may actually hurt us more than them, they do not see it that way. The children feel as though they are being wronged. They are not. God tells us that if we spare the rod, we spoil the child. In my limited experience at raising children I have found that this so very true. There are so many times when it is just easier to overlook bad behavior than to do anything about it. This morning I was reminded that sometimes we need a hand with our children. I am so thankful for good friends that have reminded me of that at times. I need help and so do you.

I was also reminded this morning that when we as parents are hurting it also hurts our children. BB reminded me of that. He said "Momma, he knows his mom is hurting, but it's not his fault". That broke my heart. She's hurting which hurts her baby. Parent's, it's okay to hurt, but we also have to heal. It takes a village to heal. It takes prayer, it takes other believers, it takes Jesus. God is faithful to provide us our needs, but are we faithful to take what He provides, or are we too stuck in our flesh to see what a gift He has given?

Reminders are a gift. Sometimes they are shocking, sometimes they are unwanted, sometimes they are helpful. Be thankful for what you are given, and be willing to help another who needs a gift.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Happy Day

Despite the day #3 of constant downpours I am seeing nothing but sunshine! Guess what? I am no longer a house stalker, I am a house OWNER! I know!!!! I own a house! So here are a few pics..... enjoy!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Not Me Monday

It's Not Me Monday time again! I've actually missed venting my shame for all to read! Be sure to go to Mckmama's for more Not Me Monday fun!

So let's see.... I certainly am not a psycho house stalker who drives past my hopefully future house daily, peaking in the windows, dreaming and imagining. I also have not already started thinking about fabric for windows I don't yet own. Hubby and I did not convince the realtor to let us in one more time so we could measure for a fridge to go in a house we don't yet own. We are not at all hopeful and excited!

Last week on the way home from work I did not pull over three times to be ill. I also didn't steal the empty sanitary napkin bag from the bathroom in case I needed to be sick before I could pull over. I also didn't snag an empty shopping back as well in case it happened twice! I don't take my work to heart at all, and I didn't get food poisoning from the Kroger chicken salad I had for dinner the night before!

I wasn't secretly excited for DQ to get her braces on today. Don't ask me why, but she's just is bound to look adorable in them.... or not. I'm also not at all excited for her to have gorgeous teeth once all this dental torture is over.

I didn't ponder sneaking over to my neighbor's house last night to see if she had any left over ice cream from her daughter's ice cream party. I would never be so rude and greedy. Ice cream is yucky and I hate the stuff!!!!!

Finally, I didn't go to the UGA game this Saturday and silently wish the SC Gamecock fans behind us would just go home because they were not annoying me! I'm a really good sport and always gracious to the other team! Yup that's me!!


Friday, September 11, 2009

Never Forget

Timeline & Images on the Morning of September 11, 2001.

Card Tells Bush
in Florida School
7:58 a.m. - United Airlines Flight 175 departs Boston for Los Angeles,
carrying 56 passengers, two pilots, and seven flight attendants. The
Boeing 767 is hijacked after takeoff and diverted to New York.

7:59 a.m. - American Airlines Flight 11 departs Boston for Los
Angeles, carrying 81 passengers, two pilots, and nine flight
attendants. This Boeing 767 is also hijacked and diverted to New York.

8:01 a.m. - United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757 carrying 38
passengers, two pilots, and five flight attendants, leaves Newark, N.J.,
for San Francisco.

8:10 a.m. - American Airlines Flight 77 departs Washington's
Dulles International Airport for Los Angeles, carrying 58 passengers,
two pilots, and four flight attendants. The Boeing 757 is hijacked
after takeoff.

8:46 a.m. - American Flight 11 from Boston crashes into the North
Tower at the World Trade Center.

9:03 a.m. - United Flight 175 from Boston crashes into the South
Tower at the World Trade Center.

- U.S. Federal Aviation Administration shuts down all New
York area airports.

9:21 a.m. - Bridges and tunnels leading into New York City
are closed.

9:25 a.m. - All domestic flights are grounded by U.S. Federal
Aviation Administration.

9:45 a.m. - American Flight 77 crashes into The Pentagon.

10:05 a.m. - The South Tower at the World Trade Center collapses.

10:05 a.m. - The White House is evacuated.

10:10 a.m. - A large section of one side of The Pentagon collapses.

10:10 a.m. - United Flight 93 crashes in a wooded area in
Pennsylvania, after passengers confront hijackers.

10:28 a.m. - The North Tower at the World Trade Center collapses.

WTC Attacked

Pentagon Attacked
Fireman WTC Stairs

Fleeing Manhattan
Stairwell Escape

White House Sealed
Manhattan Darkness

Washington Gridlock
Flight 93 Crashes

Do you remember? "Let's Roll"

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Love Letter

Dear 5th and 6th grade teachers,
My children have gone insane. You are giving them too much homework. They have no time to play, they have no time for chores, and they are just mean and cranky. So I have a request..... please stop giving them so much homework. I'm tired, hubby is tired, and they are tired. Oh, and if I can't do the work, and hubby can't do the work, and they can't do the work, is it possible the work may be a little too much? Thanks so much for your time and all that you do. We really do appreciate you, just ease up will ya??????


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It Really Does Hurt Me More

I have been on a cleaning and organizing rampage the last few weeks. I decided to attack BB and DQ's rooms with a vengeance. I regretted it later for various reasons, but the main one is it wound up hurting me way more than it hurt them. How is that you ask? Well, on top of the room cleaning, I have decided to really clamp down on how they take care of the said rooms. I am sick and tired of buying clothes to replace missing ones when all along the missing clothes were stuffed under a bed or in the back of a closet. I am sick of finding wet towels on the floor. I am tired of stuffed animal guts everywhere because Bear the puppy got to it because it wasn't put away.
Anyway, back to my original reason for this long, drawn out post. Last week DQ was given several chances to clean her room. I repeatedly threatened her, fussed at her, hinted at her, attempted to bribe her, etc. Why go to all this trouble you ask? Because her punishment definitely hurt me more than it hurt her. DQ lost her riding lessons this week because she refused to clean her room. It broke my heart! I have always wanted to teach her how to ride. I have always wanted to take her to horse shows and give her a taste of my childhood. Not to mention,she's a pretty darned good little rider!
Needless to say, I could no longer justify letting her get away with not cleaning her room. When hubby and I agreed the time to dole out punishment arrived, I tearfully informed DQ of her loss. I cried secretly all afternoon as this is killing me! My one hope is that hubby and I have always given our children the opportunity to earn back a lost item/privilege. I sure hope she cleans her room this week cause I really want to watch my daughter take her first victory lap around the ring with everyone watching and clapping at her brilliance!!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Not My Child Monday

Okay, I've never done a Not My Child Monday, but currently at the moment they are giving me fits. What a better way to vent? To read more hilarious stories head over to Mckmama's "house" and grab a cup of coffee and enjoy!!

So BB has been testing the waters lately. As our reasonable and level headed child he would never just decide he didn't want to ride the bus anymore and just miss it on purpose. He would especially not do that knowing how difficult it would be for me to go get him. He also wouldn't decide to play hookie from worship service at church and pick a fight with another boy. He is a holy and righteous child who ALWAYS does what he is told!!!

Same boy, different day. BB would never sit there and constantly blow spit balls at the back of DQ's head even after she repeatedly told him to stop. Oh, and DQ would NEVER let her emotions get the best of her and haul off and give him a left hook!

DQ would never watch as I cleaned out under her bed and whine about EVERYTHING I DID to help her. She would never then turn around and dig out something out of the trash and put it back under her bed. NO, NOT EVER!!! My child does not go through the trash and she is not a future star on the reality show Hoarders. Nope, not my baby.

DQ is not currently obsessed with a red plaid fedora that she wears everywhere she can. She didn't also elbow me in the ribs when someone told her they like her hat. We never fight about how she dresses!

All in all I have to say though that I love my kids. They are good ones!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Not Me Monday

It's that time of the week again.... confession time! However, if you would rather skip over mine and read someone else's humiliation feel free to visit Mckmama's blog and read those instead!!

I did not drop my son off at the middle school and then get yelled at by the officer directing traffic. Apparently I can't follow directions. I also didn't fuss at said officer once I drove out of view and I didn't call him an uptight stale butt cheek in front of my daughter! I also didn't go back to bed and sleep for 2 hours after dropping my daughter off at school. I have absolutely nothing to do today; nope, no laundry, no dusting, no closets to clean out... NOTHING!

I didn't fall asleep on the couch right in the middle of DQ's birthday party. 3 hours of sleep in 24 hours is PLENTY of sleep, why should I be tired? I also didn't cancel my daughter's riding lesson the day of the party because I had so much to get done before everyone got here, and I needed hubby's help more than DQ needed to ride that day! I would never do such a thing!

I did not hide two full laundry baskets in my bedroom so no one could see my continuous, never ending pile of laundry. Again as stated in previous posts: I am always caught up on my laundry!

OK, I'm feeling cleansed and renewed now, my confessions have been confessed!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Manners Much?

This post is meant purely for venting purposes only. If you don't care to hear about my pet peeves then I wouldn't read further. If you care to contribute feel free.... you have my blessing!

OK, so when you want to carry a conversation with someone in a public place fine, but please move off to the side and don't block the whole entrance/exit of the walkway... some of us have an hour long drive and we want to get to our car. On the same note, don't block the whole isle at the store either. While I'm very happy that you have found a friend to converse with, I have things to do and would like very much not to be a part of your conversation!

When there is a merging line of cars, please be kind and use the zipper system. I mean really,are you going to get where you are going 2 seconds faster by not letting one car over?? REALLY, will you?

Please for the love of God don't be a parking place stalker! If someone has just walked up to their car with a buggy full of stuff, it's going to take them awhile and you could probably have parked your car and gotten into the store before they finished. Also, chances are if you are really finding it necessary to wait for a closer spot then 1. you probably need the exercise of walking a bit further, or 2. you probably need to be at home dry, cool, in bed, or whatever you reason is for needing that closer spot.

When at the store, please walk down the side of the isle, not the center; especially if you are walking slowly. Seriously people, just because you are not in a hurry doesn't mean somebody else isn't. Also on that note the same rules apply in parking garages and parking lots. Are you really so important that you deserve the whole isle to walk down?

Last but not least, do your nurse a favor. If it's bad enough that you need to come to the hospital then for goodness sakes let us treat you. If your gonna come and refuse an IV, meds, pain meds, tests, etc then you are better off at home. It is not our goal in life to hurt you, ignore you, let you lay in pain, watch you bleed, or any other thing that may be going on. We have a job to do and you really need to let us do our job. Most of us really do care what happens to you. Trust me when I tell you most of us care more about you then your doctor so don't tell me you want to wait for the doctor because at 3:oo in the morning, if you aren't dying they aren't coming.

Nough said for now!!


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Different Worlds

As I was driving home from work this morning I got to thinking about BB and DQ and how their childhood is so different from mine. It makes me kind of sad in some ways to think of some of the things they are missing out on.

I remember summer nights when the lighting bugs were so thick they would actually swarm around you. What a great time we used to have catching them at night!

Remember the ice cream truck? I swear he would pretend not to see us so we would chase him down. We would run till we couldn't run anymore then finally he would stop and what a great prize that ice cream was! I always got a rocket pop or a mickey mouse with a gum ball for a nose. Remember that?

There used to be a house at the bottom of our street with a creek running next to it full of tadpoles. They always had mason jars waiting for the kids to come catch tadpoles. They also had the best trees around. They were pines and they were so huge you could actually walk into the limbs and there was a secret world in there and nobody could see you from the outside.

Did any one's mother used to let them play with other kids who had the chicken pox? Mine did, it wasn't a big deal... in fact if you got them good cause then you get it over with!

Our town had bike trails that led all over the city. I remember going on the bike trails with my friends and spending all day riding our bikes. Oh what fun we used to have!

If we were at a friend's house and didn't behave, their mother spanked us. They were not afraid to call my parents and tell on me; my parents were not going to sue them for slander.

Today our children are living in a world where respect and courtesy are optional. They have no idea how to catch a tadpole or a lightning bug. Oh, and what in the world is an ice cream truck? Chicken pox??? OH MY!!! LITTLE JOHNNY HAS THE CHICKEN POX! LET'S QUARANTINE THE WHOLE CLASS!!!!!!

It's as if we weren't raised this way, but I was. I was raised that you play outside and come in for lunch and a band aide. I was raised that at dark you come in. I was raised to say please and thank you, and don't you talk back to adults or you are gonna get your mouth washed out with soap! My mom used to remind me every time I was invited somewhere "Don't forget to offer to help with the dishes after dinner!", and believe me I always offered! It was safe for children to ride their bikes to the gas station to spend their money on candy. It was a great idea to pack a picnic and walk to the park with your friends. Allowance was earned not expected. I think about this so much. I try to raise my kids in such a manner..... and I pray that they will raise their children the same way. Oh, and for the record, they have both had the chicken pox and everyone lived!!!


Monday, August 10, 2009

Not Me Monday

Well, it's Not Me Monday again! It's been awhile but I must admit I'm struggling coming up with Not Me's. Head over to Mckmama's blog for more laughs!

I did not go on my first camping trip in our RV and rip off my toenail first thing. I am not a drama queen and did not make a big deal out of it either!

I did not silently cuss out one of my coworkers for calling me in to work at 3am because they were getting slammed. I mean, why would I want to do that? Who needs sleep anyway? I also didn't silently apologize to her for the said not cussing that didn't take place. My conscious wasn't feeling guilty at all!

I did not spend 5 hours completely mucking out BB's room and then have such a sore back for the next 3 days I considered taking left over narcotics from my cabinet. I also didn't consider calling DFACS on myself for letting his room get so bad (For the record, my children do have to clean their own rooms, this was a drawer, toy, closet, under the bed kind of clean out)!

I am not now loving the fact that school is back in because now I can actually sleep during the day (night shift worker remember?). I didn't however cry for the first couple of days!

Finally, I am not now silently cussing out DQ's teacher in my head for actually giving her a homework assignment of doing things with her thumbs taped down and then journaling life without thumbs. It's really not annoying at all to watch!!

OK, so there I came up with a few!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

So Far So Good

So call me a pessimist. Call me negative. Call me asking for trouble. I dare say that so far middle school and 5th grade are going well. BB is having a BLAST! He loves middle school, and so far he has had a pretty easy time of it. DQ is doing fine and looking forward to a birthday party next weekend. Hubby went in on an RV with big hubby boss man and now we are the proud (not me, hubby) half owners of a camper. We are going on our first camping trip this weekend. So I ask, when is the other shoe going to fall? Change has never been a good thing in Hworld, but wow are things going smoothly!

Last night at church BB was asked to be part of the drama team. That is a very big deal to him and he couldn't be more thrilled. This kid is hilarious. He really has so much potential; so naturally we are thrilled for him! I can't wait to see him doing those funny little skits.

Life is rolling on here. We are so busy that we just fall into bed at the end of the day (or night in my case). I am working a lot, and really worn out. This weekend will be a good one to unwind! I am looking forward to some very much needed rest!

Hope all is well in blogger land. Take care and pics are soon to come!


Thursday, July 30, 2009


Well, those pesky little changes we all know I love have begun AGAIN! Today school started and my heart is broken. Not so much that school started, but the fact that BB started middle school and DQ is on her last year of elementary school probably has something to do with it! Seriously, when I dropped him off this morning instead of walking him to class I almost lost it. When I came home to get DQ up and ready and he was not sitting next to her at the breakfast table I almost lost it. When I walked DQ to her new class I was barely holding it together. When I saw a few moms I know I did lose it. BIG TIME! I just can't believe we are in middle school! I remember my 6th grade year so very clearly. I remember having my first boyfriend in
6th grade. I remember all the girls had grown up a lot over the summer in 6th grade. I remember calling boys and hanging up on them in 6th grade. I don't want little girls calling my baby. I don't want him having a girl friend (and I told him as much!). I hate the thought of him walking around that big cafeteria full of bigger, older, and strange kids! OK, need to stop now cause I'm getting myself worked up.

Along with school starting it is promotion Sunday at church. With that means yet again BB is now part of the youth, and we have new students in 7th grade. UGH! I hate change!!

Yesterday we did a little shopping in which BB chose "older" clothes to wear this year. He also decided to cut his hair. OH MY!!! BB cut his hair!! In Hworld that is a huge deal. Regardless, he looks adorable, err sorry, awesome. We had to buy him his very first bottle of hair gel to get that spiky, messy look he was aiming for. One thing though, he did ask me to fix his hair this morning.... ahhhh he still needs me!!!!

So I know you are dying for pics and you will get them I promise, but the camera is not working so well. As soon has dear hubby get's BB's camera loaded you will get your pics.... just chill!!!

Bye for now!

Monday, July 27, 2009


*updated* While still very sick, Stellan has started to improve. They have finally gotten him out of SVT for small amounts of time. He had an hour and 1/2 of SVT free time last night. These little breaks are giving his body time to rest....a true blessing. Please continue to pray for little Stellan and Mckmama!

Prayers for Stellan

Little Stellan has gone down hill quickly and getting worse. Please pray for him! The latest update is he is being air lifted to Boston. The doctors are baffled and are running out of options! PRAY PRAY PRAY!!!

Going to take a break & try the iv in a bit. I'm feeding Stel... on Twitpic

Holding my babe who finally just fell asleep. That 228 is his... on Twitpic

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Just Talkin

So the beach was wonderful. So wonderful in fact that it broke our heart to come home. We had such a wonderful time with my family. We played and swam and laughed until sadly it was time to come home. I have never not been ready to come home, but this time I was so sad to come home! I have a bunch of pictures, will post them soon!

Not to much going on. We spent a small fortune today getting the kiddos ready for school. DQ got some new clothes that she is absolutely thrilled with. I actually like them too! You know it's a good day when your daughter, whom you couldn't be more different than, and you actually agree on something! Mark it down ladies and gentlemen, it's not likely to happen again anytime soon! BB did not find anything he liked other than a pair of shoes. We shall be shopping online for him.

On the way home from shopping, hubby and I were remembering the days when the school supply list consisted of a back pack and a box of crackers. Now the list is so long and ridiculously specific that it is an all day affair to get them! DQ had to have a YELLOW 3 subject notebook. She had to have a 2 INCH 3 ring binder. She had to have SHARPENED #2 pencils. Puuuuhlease! Why in the world does it HAVE to be yellow? I wonder if I got her a 1 and 1/2 inch binder what would happen? Oh and the pencils? Sorry, I am not paying an extra 75cents for the pencils to be sharpened! CRAZY! BB's middle school list was actually reasonable. However, do you know how difficult it can be to find erasable ink pens that we all know don't really erase? They don't make them much anymore for a reason..... hmmmmmm.......

Well, enough rambling. I was on last night and didn't sleep much today so off to bed I go! Good night all!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

200th Post

For my 200th post I am doing absolutely nothing special. In fact, I'm telling you farewell my people ......... for the weekend!! Ha, got ya, scared ya didn't I? You would be lost without me you know you would! Anyway, while you mourn me I'll be at the beach soaking up some sun, relaxation, and cool ocean breezes. I'll be playing with my babies and my sister's babies. I'll hanging with my sister and my mom. I'll be living it up, and you'll be here, feeling JEALOUS!

Funny story real quick to tide you over. DQ has a mess for a mouth. She has teeth growing in crooked and behind and under and over and... well you get it. They put in these expander things awhile back, you know where you have to torture your child every night and turn the key. Well, long story short they have been causing some problems so we went back. They had to pull the bottom one out, bend it to fit temporarily, then replace it with a new one. This was awful for DQ. It hurt, and her little mouth was so sore. Yesterday they decided to remove the expanders and place in retainers to "let the dust settle". Upon hearing that DQ wanted to know if there was really dust in her mouth...... Sweet princess!

Anway, ta ta for now. See you soon. Enjoy your week!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Not Me Monday

It's that shameful time of week again. It's time to bear my naked truths so you can have a good laugh at my expense. So here goes, it's rather tragic actually! Don't forget when you are finished to pop over to MckMama's and read more fun stuff!

So this week I did not wake up every day and go looking for my children knowing full well they were at camp. I did not then talk hubby into taking me to see a chick flick since said children were away at camp!

I am not sitting here looking at Spike the dog camped out on a pile of clean laundry that is not folded, but instead sitting on the couch getting wrinkled. I am forever caught up on my laundry and NEVER have to wash several loads at the end of the week cause nobody has clean underwear!

I did not fail a mock code last night at work because I forgot to suction my baby. I can't believe I forgot to suction my baby. DUH! I did not then turn around and have to suction a real live baby.

Finally, I did not get my ears double pierced and then proceed to lie to the little 4year old girl waiting to go after me. I didn't tell her it's a piece of cake. It didn't hurt like crazy!! Nope, not a bit!! I'm what 30 something and getting my ears pierced? Oh well. Shame on me!!!!


Saturday, July 11, 2009


You Know You're An L&D Nurse When...

* You can eat any food at any time of the day or night

* You can talk about vomit/blood/stool/urine while eating

* You know what G7P4A2L1 means, and your husband probably does too

* Twins aren't a miracle, they're an every day occurrence (at my hospital anyway)

* You can measure objects in centimeters with your fingers

* You've seen more vaginas than male porn stars have

* You know that Vasa Previa is not the latest fashion model in Milan

* Your bladder can hold over 1500 cc

* You know that meconium is not a newly discovered element on the periodic table

* You hear blood curdling screams and don't flinch

* You can tune out extraneous noises

* You can ascertain a heart rate in 6 seconds or less

* You know what F.L.K. stands for

* To you R.O.M. doesn’t mean range of motion

* Coffee is a major food group

* The word calm is a dirty word never to be repeated

* I call the doctor to tell him what I want not to ask what he/she wants


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Well That's Interesting

Hubby called a few minutes ago and said he got the kids a present. Hmmmm, are ya working or shopping honey?

He said a guy at work's somebody or other was having an estate sale and he had a bunch of leftovers. Hubby said he had a box of knives.........



Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Annoyed? YES!

I am a merciful person. I really truly am. I have a fair amount of patience. I am VERY understanding. I'm even pretty darn nice if I do say so myself. Last night all of these wonderful virtues I have bestowed upon myself were put to the test by a dear sweet pregnant lady.

So around 3:00 am I got a patient who thought maybe her water broke. OK, no problem. I checked her for that and the test was negative. I checked her cervix and she was not dilated. She was having an occasional contraction. So I call the doctor the get orders and of course they were to have her walk and then check her again. Done. I put her back on the monitor and she is contracting about every 2-3 minutes but not really feeling them. I decide she may just be dehydrated so I give her a TON of water to drink. She asks should she call her parents who live 5 hrs away to come. I say "I don't think you are in labor, but as long as you are contracting you will be here in the hospital". Not the answer she wanted, but the best I could do.

So a few minutes later she calls me into her room saying she just felt more fluid come out. I check and see and feel nothing on her towel. Hmmmm, maybe get up and pee?

Five minutes later again she calls and says she's really hurting could she have something for pain? Again I call the doctor for orders and get them. I start her IV and then she decides no, she doesn't want pain meds afterall. UGH!!!! By this time my shift is ending and don't forget that I have another patient who is on meds that require 15 minute checks so I'm just a tad busy at this point. AGAIN she calls out wanting her nurse again. Could I please check her again because she really needs to know if she is in labor or not. I explain to her that sometimes labor is not that obvious, that if her water is indeed broken I can't keep checking her because she could get an infection, and the doctor will come to talk to her around 7. OK, well then can I get an ultrasound or something? I really need to know if I'm gonna have this baby today!


Oh, okay, so about that ultrasound, and my parents are 5 hours away, and I think my pain is getting worse, and I think I may pee myself, and my goal in life is to convince my nurse I am in labor when I am not, and........


Monday, July 6, 2009

Not Me Monday

Not Me Monday time again. For more hilarious posts pop over to MckMama's blog and check out more! Until then my little post here will just have to satisfy!

I did not decide it just wasn't fair that I had to work EVERY holiday and take call off on the 4th of July. I would never take 8 hrs off unpaid, NEVER!! I did not witness hubby at said 4th of July drop a stack of frozen Bubba burgers on the ground and call 5 second rule. He didn't then slap those puppies on the grill.
Yesterday I did not sort through the mongo dirty laundry pile just to get out the kid's clothes to wash for camp. I am ALWAYS caught up on my laundry!
Last night I did not catch a baby because the doctor didn't make it in time for my poor patient to deliver 15 minutes after she arrived. I did not want to pass out on the floor when I realized I didn't have to catch that baby! I didn't almost pee my pants either!
Lastly, I am not counting the days on my calendar for the beach!!! No way, I REALLY don't want to go to the beach!!!


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Just Nice

I hope a wonderful time was had by all on the 4th of July. We had a very nice time thank you very much! Here at Hworld we don't "officially" live in a neighborhood, we live on a street. On our street all the houses sit way back on the road, and most of us know each other decently well. However, Fab across the street and us started a tradition 2 years ago that has blossomed into this:

What started out as 2 smallish families simply sitting in the driveway eating frosties and watermelons has grown to several smallish to rather large families gathering together to eat burgers, hot dogs, jambalaya, baked beans, pasta salad, macaroni salad, chips, salsa, deviled eggs, watermelon, million dollar pie, chocolate eclair cake, frosties, and some other stuff. After the food we did this:

Finally at dark we sat in OUR driveway and watched an awesome fireworks display put on by a local church. The weather was great.... not hot at all. The kids had bikes and skateboards to ride, a trampoline to jump on, and 25 acres to run around on and play hide and seek. People ate when the were hungry, used to bathroom in nice clean bathrooms, and we even had a sink to wash our hands in!! The best part? NO TRAFFIC afterwards! We cleaned up and went to bed. It was simply NICE!!


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Get your Kleenex

I snagged this off hubby's blog, but loved it so much I wanted to share it with those of you that may not follow his blog.

Will you give this to my Daddy? As a Company, Southwest Airlines is going to support 'Red Fridays.' Last week I was in Atlanta, Georgia attending a conference. While I was in the airport, returning home, I heard several people behind me beginning to clap and cheer. I immediately turned around and witnessed one of the greatest acts of patriotism I have ever seen. Moving through the terminal was a group of soldiers in their camos. As they began heading to their gate, everyone (well almost everyone) was abruptly to their feet with their hands waving and cheering. When I saw the soldiers, probably 30-40 of them, being applauded and cheered for, it hit me. I'm not alone. I'm not the only red-blooded American who still loves this country and supports our troops and their families. Of course I immediately stopped and began clapping for these young unsung heroes who are putting their lives on the line everyday for us so we can go to school, work and home without fear or reprisal. Just when I thought I could not be more proud of my country or of our service men and women, a young girl, not more than 6 or 7 years old, ran up to one of the male soldiers. He kneeled down and said 'hi.' The little girl then asked him if he would give something to her daddy for her. The young soldier, who didn't look any older than maybe 22 himself, said he would try and what did she want to give to her Daddy. Then suddenly the little girl grabbed the neck of this soldier, gave him the biggest hug she could muster and then kissed him on the cheek. The mother of the little girl, who said her daughter's name was Courtney, told the young soldier that her husband was a Marine and had been in Iraq for 11 months now. As the mom was explaining how much her daughter Courtney missed her father, the young soldier began to tear up. When this temporarily single mom was done explaining her situation, all of the soldiers huddled together for a brief second.. Then one of the other servicemen pulled out a military-looking walkie talkie. They started playing with the device and talking back and forth on it. After about 10-15 seconds of this, the young soldier walked back over to Courtney, bent down and said this to her, 'I spoke to your daddy and he told me to give this to you.' He then hugged this little girl that he had just met and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He finished by saying 'your daddy told me to tell you that he loves you more than anything and he is coming home very soon.' The mom at this point was crying almost uncontrollably and as the young soldier stood to his feet, he saluted Courtney and her mom. I was standing no more than 6 feet away from this entire event. As the soldiers began to leave, heading towards their gate, people resumed their applause. As I stood there applauding and looked around, there were very few dry eyes, including my own. That young soldier in one last act of selflessness, turned around and blew a kiss to Courtney with a tear rolling down his cheek. We need to remember everyday all of our soldiers and their families, and thank God for them and their sacrifices. At the end of the day, it's good to be an American.


Friday, July 3, 2009


Ok moms, I know that you are gonna agree with me on this, Dads, you are just gonna call me paranoid.

Today we were at the mall shopping for a bit. Hubby ran to Belk to price a belt but the kids were starving so I took them for a treat at the food court and hubby was to meet us there.

So here we are sitting at a table eating our cookies and people watching and this old man walks up. He doesn't say anything, he's just standing RIGHT next to BB. I got the creepiest feeling! This man just kept walking back and forth in front of our table just glancing at my children. I grabbed their little hands and pulled them close to me. DQ kept saying "mommy, give me my hand back, I need my hand!", but I was panicked! I literally was breaking into a cold sweat, holding on to my children!

Now, call me crazy but that old man scared me! As soon as we could we hopped up and went to go find hubby. Thankfully he was on his way. I grabbed BB, he grabbed DQ and we were out of there.

What do you think moms? Did I overreact about some old man just waiting for his food? I feel as their mom it is my job to trust the instincts God gave me. I NEEDED to hold my children and keep them as safe as I could. I was SCARED!

Feel free to chime in or even share your stories and you could help a mom not be scared to trust her gut and follow her instincts!


Monday, June 29, 2009

Not Me Monday

So I haven't done a Not Me Monday in awhile so I have a "few" confessions that don't need to be made!

I did not have a doctor at work give me something for a headache that is "not a narcotic yet"! (don't worry, I DID wait to I got home to take it and it really didn't work). I did not pluck a pair of dirty shorts out of the laundry for my daughter to wear to avoid an argument about what to wear today. I did not purposely wear a certain pair of shoes because my toe nails need to be cut and painted sooo bad and I'm too lazy/busy to do anything about it. I did not sneak into my sister in law's candy drawer and snag several handfuls of gummy bears. I did not go to Wal-Mart and buy new socks on the way to work because I was feeling sorry for myself and wanted something fun to cheer me up. I did not finally give in and get unlimited text for my middle schooler because I got tired of hearing how EVERYONE else has it, why can't we??? I do not read said texts to make sure the conversation is appropriate! I did not let my children have friends over to spend the night so I would not have to entertain my children, their friends where here for that! Wow, I could keep going but this list is starting to get really shameful so I'm going to bow out now!!!


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Just Thinking

Obviously this has been an America Changing week. In one week we have lost 3 stars of my childhood and one of my children's childhood.
I remember watching Star Search and seeing Ed McMahon with his big over sized glasses announce some many truly untalented people, all the while dreaming about one day being a contestant myself.
I remember dancing the Thriller dance in my living room over and over again. I loved Micheal Jackson! My best friend and I used to roller skate to him on the neighbor's black top all day long.
I remember my big sister watching Charlie's Angels. I will never forget the "hair" lady!
Today when hubby told me about Billy Mays my children knew who he was before I did. When DQ said "mommy, it's the oxiclean guy!" I knew then who he was. I thought he was the baseball guy!
Anyway, all this being said as big as these losses seem to us we have a much greater loss right here on my own street. Our neighbor Fibo died the same day as Farrah and Micheal. While our street mourns a beautiful christian woman whom was adored and loved by "locals", the world mourns these superstars. I have to wonder though, who will be missed more? I think the answer is a clear hands down winner: Fibo! She has children, and a husband, and grandchildren, and friends, and neighbors, and church family, and on and on and on. She was personal. She was real. She was love. We barely knew this woman and yet she made us a cake when hubby's dad died. I feel a loss simply because I didn't get to know her as well as others did. I am now regretting and mourning a relationship I could have had.
All this to say while it's ok to be bummed about losing our childhood stars, hang on to the people in your life that you really know. Hang on to the REAL people. Grab ahold of what you have and don't let go, cause you may never know what you've lost till you've lost it.


Friday, June 26, 2009

Just a Friendly Reminder

To whom it may concern......

I work nights, don't call!!!!!!!!


Friday, June 19, 2009

Stellan..... again

I ask now that you please stop what you are doing and spend some time in prayer for sweet Stellan. I have posted on him in the past. He has a heart condition since he was in his momma's womb. Stellan has defied the odds in many ways. First of all he survived to be in this world. Second off he still has this condition which in the past has always been resolved after birth. Third of all he has his own unique type of SVT that is proving to be quite stubborn and difficult to treat. So please be in prayer as this family has been laid on my heart and hopefully yours too.


Monday, June 15, 2009

I Think I Can

Here's a brilliant idea: close my eyes real tight, take a deep breath, and ....... pray that when I open my eyes my house will be spotless, the laundry will be washed, folded, and put away, supper will be cooked, and my kids will be fast asleep in their beds with no needs, hunger, or owies. Here's hoping!!!!!!


Thursday, June 11, 2009

A New Kind of Dance

A friend of mine sent me this in an email. It's kind of a neat reminder.... Enjoy!

Is God Dancing On Your Potato Chips?
By Connie Raper
Not too long ago I had "one of those days." I was feeling pressure from a writing deadline. I had company arriving in a couple days and the toilet was clogged. I went to the bank, and the trainee teller processing my deposit had to start over three times. I swung by the supermarket to pick up a few things and the lines were serpentine. By the time I got home, I was frazzled and sweaty and in a hurry to get something on the table for dinner. Deciding on Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup, I grabbed a can opener, cranked open the can, then remembered I had forgotten to buy milk at the store. Nix the soup idea. Setting the can aside, I went to plan B, which was leftover baked beans. I grabbed the Tupperware container from the fridge, popped the seal, took a look and groaned. My husband isn't a picky eater, but even HE won't eat baked beans that look like caterpillars. Really frustrated now, I decided on a menu that promised to be as foolproof as it is nutrition-free: hot dogs and potato chips. Retrieving a brand new bag of chips from the cupboard, I grabbed the cellophane and gave a hearty pull. The bag didn't open. I tried again. Nothing happened. I took a breath, doubled my muscle, and gave the bag a hearty wrestle. With a loud pop, the cellophane suddenly gave way, ripping wide from top to bottom. Chips flew sky high. I was left holding the bag, and it was empty. It was the final straw. I let out a blood curdling scream. "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" My husband heard my unorthodox cry for help. Within minutes he was standing at the doorway to the kitchen, where he surveyed the damage: an opened can of soup, melting groceries, moldy baked beans, and one quivering wife standing ankle deep in potato chips. My husband did the most helpful thing he could think of at the moment. He took a flying leap, landing flat-footed in the pile of chips. And then he began to stomp and dance and twirl, grinding those chips into my linoleum in the process! I stared. I fumed. Pretty soon I was working to stifle a smile. Eventually I had to laugh. And finally I decided to join him. I, too, took a leap onto the chips. And then I danced. Now I'll be the first to admit that my husband's response wasn't the one I was looking for. But the truth is, it was exactly what I needed. I didn't need a cleanup crew as much as I needed an attitude adjustment, and the laughter from that rather funky moment provided just that. So now I have a question for you, and it's simply this: Has God ever stomped on your chips? I know that, in my life, there have been plenty of times when I've gotten myself into frustrating situations and I've cried out for help, all the while hoping God would show up with a celestial broom and clean up the mess. What often happens instead is that God dances on my chips, answering my prayer in a completely different manner than I had expected, but in the manner that is best for me after all. Sometimes I can see right away that God's response was the best one after all. Sometimes I have to wait weeks or months before I begin to understand how and why God answered a particular prayer the way he did. There are even some situations that, years later, I'm still trying to understand. I figure God will fill me in sooner or later, either this side of Heaven or beyond. Do I trust Him? Even when he's answering my prayers in a way that is completely different from my expectations? Even when he's dancing and stomping instead of sweeping and mopping:? Can I embrace what He's offering? Can I let His joy adjust my attitude? Am I going to stand on the sidelines and sulk, or am I willing to learn the steps of the dance he's dancin' with my needs in mind? I'll be honest with you: Sometimes I sulk. Sometimes I dance. I'm working on doing more of the latter than the former. I guess the older I get the more I realize that He really does know what He's doing. He loves me and I can trust Him. Even when the chips are down.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

There Aren't Words

Ok, so I'm going to be pretty vague, but I just have to share what has happened to me at work without putting HIPPA violations into effect. Wouldn't want to lose my license now would I?

Let's just say that I work at a VERY large hospital and the chances of me getting a repeat patient within a few days of each other are incredibly slim. What's even more slim is if this particular repeat patient is one that needs more "help" than we unfortunately can give her. Social services and police and stuff like that are having to get involved.

Anyway, a few nights ago when I had this young woman I was very saddened and at the same time very angry. I just couldn't help her the way she needed to be helped and yet she didn't need the help badly enough apparently to take what help I could give her. Last night she was sent over to us from another hospital. When she walked in the room I felt my jaw drop. She wouldn't look at me, wouldn't even hardly talk to me. When I asked her if she was one in the same she denied it, even had a different name this time. Now I am not a confrontational person, but I am also not going to be made a fool of. After admitting her and taking her history, knowing her answers before she even gave them I began to get VERY angry. I actually had to step out of the room and regain my composure. Finally I just very calmly sat down and talked to her. I told her I knew she was not telling me the truth, and that I could not help her if she did not tell me the truth. About 15 minutes later I finally got her to admit she was indeed the woman from the other night. Whether the rest of her story was true or not I do not know, but I do know now how much help she really needs.

Long story short. After much anger and frustration I began to realize something. Maybe God brought her back to me. She needs someone to help her. She is scared, alone, and in trouble. If she had not come to me last night then they would not have recognized her and she would not have gotten the help she needed. Sadly I'm so very limited to what I can do as a nurse. I can make sure her and her baby are healthy. I can give her referrals, and phone numbers, but I cannot make her use the resources I have given her. I was able to convince the doctor to admit her and get case management involved in her situation. That hopefully will set her on the road to the right direction. However, I've come to realize I CAN do more for her. I can pray for her. I don't even know her real name, or even if her story is true, but God knows. He created her, and He sent her to me. He wants to help her and I bet she doesn't even know it.

Tell me, am I doing my job? Did I do enough? I may never know, but I guess that is where faith has to step in and take over.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I am feeling just fine until it's time to go to work. Then I get sleepy, sleepy, and sleepy.

I oversleep when I have somewhere to be, but when nothing is going on I'm wide awake at 7am.

When I have money to spend there is nothing I want or need, but when I'm broke I need/want everything!!

When I'm hungry there is nothing in my cabinet, but when I'm not hungry I'm overloaded!

When BB and DQ are in school they aren't tired at night and impossible to get up in the morning, but in the summer they still aren't tired at night, but get up bright and early in the morning.

These are just some things I've noticed....... sound familiar to you????

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Summer and Stuff

Well, we've officially had 1 full week of summer break and it was a busy one. We went to the pool twice, I worked 4 days, we had a birthday and a birthday party on 2 different days. We have had church and youth socials. We have had gymnastics and riding lessons. In fact, I'm having a hard time figuring out what we didn't do this week!!

This week brings vacation bible school, more gymnastics and riding lessons, and I'm guessing more pool time. We also have an orthodontist appt. and a doc appt. BB has to get shots...... OH MY!! That alone is going to be worth blogging about!! I will be working the weekend away as hubby and the kids go to the H. family reunion.

Also, there is church every Wed. night, Sun. morning, and Sun. night. Whew!

Coming up July 5-8 is kids camp, then July 12-16 is music camp in North Carolina. Oh, also my big sister is bring my nieces and nephew to visit. Wahoooo!!!!!! Finally, we have middle school open house July 21, then back to school. Wow, where did it all go??????

Hope you are having a fantabulous summer so far!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Bad Blogger

I admit it. I forgot to blog about BB's 11th birthday. Well, sort of! We celebrated on his birthday as a family (and neighborhood), but his party is tonight. Hmmmmm, 9 11 year old boys WOW!!

BB, I love you! I remember so clearly the day you were born. You were an angel! Even as a baby you were so smart. If you couldn't figure something out you would sit and stare at it like you were trying to make sense of it. You were so quiet and you would just stare forever!

You have always loved your mommy. You weren't having a babysitter. I tried to work and you just wouldn't go for it. You still hate me not being home!

What I wish for you this year...... I pray that you will begin to grow in the Lord. He is number 1 buddy; nothing matters more than Jesus! I pray you will come to understand that this year and take a stand for what you believe in. You are starting middle school this year, and you are to be a light in a lost and dying world.
You have never been afraid to be who you are and I hope that you keep it up. I pray that you will make wise choices with friends. There will be so many people you are about to meet! I know that you are going to be a fantastic 11 year old!!!!

Happy Birthday Bunkybear! I love you!


Thursday, May 28, 2009


I was not popular in school. I had friends, lots of friends. I was busy and involved. I even had a steady boyfriend (who was popular at his school). But, I was not popular. I didn't go to parties. I was not on the homecoming court. I was not a star athlete. I was just average. I remember wanting to be popular. In fact, I recall going to practice to try out for cheerleading. I didn't try out because all the popular girls were there and I felt inferior. I always regretted not trying out because I loved cheerleading when I was little, and I was good at it. I could do all the jumps and flips, and I wasn't afraid of anything. Instead I tried out for the dance team. I did make the team, but secretly I always wished I'd tried out for cheerleading.

Today was the last day of school for DQ and BB. My children are just like me. They have plenty of friends, they get excellent grades, they love school. However, they are not "popular". I am so very glad! The reason why you ask? Well, for example. The school's colors are green and gold. Today was a day of fun and goofing off. Some of the 5th grade boys decided to spray their hair green in honor of their last day at Youth Elementary. Well, DQ decided she would like to have a green streak in her VERY blond hair. As you can imagine it looked almost neon. Anyway, all that being said, when I walked DQ to class she was greeted with the "plastics"( refer to the movie Mean Girls for clarification). These girls all had on zebra print knee socks, had their hair the same, had their t-shirts tied up, knotted up, whatever. They looked every bit a silly as DQ ,but at least she was original. Anyway I digress. She got giggles and strange stares until one little girl stepped out and said how cute she looked. After that they all wanted green hair. REALLY? SERIOUSLY? Don't their mother's remember high school at all? Do they really want their daughters under that kind of scrutiny and pressure? Do they really want their daughters going to parties where there will be drinking and spin the bottle?

I was discussing the "popular" kid topic with BB the other day. I'm sure some of these kids are very nice kids. I'm sure their parents are very nice people. What I did share with BB though is that he is to love everyone equally. Nobody should be singled out for not following the crowd. That person should be commended for making their own choices and not being afraid to stand up for what they believe in. I want them to enjoy growing up. I do not want them to do things because it's the cool thing to do; I do not want that kind of pressure on my kids! I want them to do things because they want to do them. What's wrong with being a crazy kid? What's wrong with running around barefoot all day wearing your swimsuit? What's wrong with still enjoying the Disney channel when you are 9 and 10 yrs old? I think it's fabulous that BB and DQ still want to be kids. I'm thankful that they don't feel the need to "Be Cool" all the time. I'm glad they are original and silly. I'm very proud to be their "unpopular" mom!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Before I get too far into this post I want to start out by saying that I am by no means claiming to be a medical expert. I probably have the same amount of knowledge as you do, but I still feel this post a necessary evil; in case you or someone else doesn't know this.

MRSA is our doing. WE are to blame, not the hospitals and medical personnel. MRSA exists because of improper use of antibiotics.
1.If you don't follow your dosing instructions you are not killing your infection. 4 times per day actually means 4 times a day or every 6 hrs. There are 24 hrs in a day, not just the hours you happen to be awake. If you must, talk to your doctor about tailoring your dosing to a more convenient schedule.
2. If you don't finish your antibiotics, you are making your infection stronger; meaning next time you will need a stronger antibiotic because you've made the germ resistant to the first drug (hint Methicillin Resistant Staph Aureus or MRSA).
3. If you take antibiotics when you don't need them, then the itty bitty germ you have that your body can kill without antibiotics builds up a tolerance to said antibiotic, and then the next time you get it it's stronger and takes a stronger antibiotic to kill it.(as stated above!)
4. A virus will not go away with antibiotics. It is not killed that way. In fact once you've had a particular virus you won't get it again. Our bodies are so cool that they remember how they killed that virus, and when they sense it's presence the natural antiviral your body made to kill it the first time is still there.
5. Washing your hands is your first line of defense to keep from getting viruses. WASH your hands! You carry all the germs on your skin.
6. A fever can actually be a really good thing. Unless the fever is over 101.3 it does not need to be treated unless it is accompanied by severe vomiting and/or diarrhea, lethargy, a very young baby, or an elderly person. Also if the fever is persistent then it needs to be treated.
7. A small amount of bleeding is also a good thing. It's a natural way for your body to clean out a cut. Cool huh?

My reason for this post? I have had several patients in the last few days who believe it or not did not understand these concepts. This tells me that as health care workers we are not doing our job in educating the public. Clearly this is not common sense to everyone as it has so been assumed. Anyway, I will get off my soap box now! Thank you for your time!


Saturday, May 23, 2009


So I thought this week was going to be a fairly easy week for me. I worked 2 nights, then had Wed off ,then 2 days of education. Also, we have a jammed packed weekend of fun planned. Cool, easy peezy! WRONG!

Yesterday at education day they came in and asked us if we would stay and work for 4 hrs for time and a half, + 5, plus shift differential. That totals up to around $50/hr. Hmmmm, let me think..... OF COURSE!!!! Well, lesson learned. If they are offering up that kind of money then things are not going so good.

The hospital I work at happens to be the biggest labor and delivery unit in the nation. We deliver somewhere in the neighborhood of 17,000 babies a year. Our hospital is nicknamed the baby factory; rightfully so! Also, we have a very large and advanced NICU, so we see patients from all over GA with some pretty unique and sometimes tragic situations. Sadly when these patients come to us it's bad and it can be so heart breaking.

My job is a good one. I mean I get to spend 8 hrs with a couple having a baby. I get to be part of their special time. I get to deliver babies! How cool! However, there are other aspects to my job that most people don't consider. Not every pregnancy is a good one. These women get sick. Their babies get sick. They need surgery. They need specialized care. They need a kind and understanding nurse. In the last 7 days I have had to tell 2 mommies that their baby is too young, they will not survive this. I had to tell a mommy that if her body continues doing what it is doing we are going to have to deliver her twins at 27 weeks. I had to tell a dad that his wife has to have emergency surgery if his wife is going to survive; oh and I'm sorry but your baby did not survive.

Ugh, weeks like this really make me doubt my calling. I know I'm where I'm supposed to be. I know God has a plan. I know that these precious babies are with Jesus. They are healthy, they are warm, they are loved. I KNOW this. What I also know is that I have learned how to tell a family that their baby has died. I have learned to take pictures of a 20 week baby and try to make her look pretty. I have learned to hug perfect strangers and cry with them. I know where the morgue is. I know how to report a death and how to show a doctor where to sign a death certificate. I know what it's like to watch a baby die in your hands. This is not knowledge I ever aspired to have. I know that if it weren't for my King, my husband, my beautiful children, and my wonderful friends that I would not be able to live with having this knowledge.

Please hug your children today. Please treasure them. Please understand that your nurse is a human and this hurts her too. Please understand that when tragedy comes your way that there is a nurse who is praying for you, and loving you. There is someone out there who you don't know that will touch you in a way you may never know.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Truly Sad

I hinted on my last post how hard a time I am having dealing with BB and DQ moving up in the world. I have also mentioned in the past my hate love of change. Well, I'm confessing that my heart is breaking. First of all, I have to miss BB's last field day this week. I am soooo incredibly sad. Second of all, MIDDLE SCHOOL!! I just cannot believe my sweet baby boy is going there to that big bad place. I remember my first day so clearly. The kids were so big, and grown up, and "wise" beyond their years. Thirdly, this next year DQ will be a 5th grader and that will be it. That will be all I have left of elementary school. The tears are running down my cheeks right now as I type.
To my two angels, I love you so much. I miss our endless days of snacks, naps, cartoons, play dates, and picnics with strawberries and chicken fingers. I miss field trips to the pumpkin patches and petting zoos. I miss holding your hands every time we step out of the house. I miss washing koolaide mustaches off your faces. I miss falling into bed exhausted every night, only to be awoken with a sweet whisper in my ear that you heard a noise.
I know you are still my babies, that you will always be my babies. Please slow down. Don't grow up so fast. There is plenty of time for you to be a big kid, just be little for a little while longer!
This summer we will find some fun to be had. We will play, and travel, and sleep, and eat, and I'm sure we will watch our fair share of cartoons. I will work, and I will want to choke you for being so loud while I'm trying to sleep. Know that I love every second of my life that I have with you in it!


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