No worries, we are no longer contagious so it's safe to come back! DQ is all healed up and back to her usual spunky self!! Really this swine/H1N1 flu was no big deal!
So I don't know if you remember a few posts back where I was whining about being put in my place at work. A couple of fellow coworkers took it upon themselves to inform a manager of my fears (just so you know they were never fears just strong dislike) of a specific aspect of my job. Anyhooo.... I am pleased to announce that what went around came around last night. I know I know, get over it Amy. Grow up Amy. Move on Amy. Well, guess what? I am imperfect and decided to wallow in self pity and anger for a few days, so sue me!
Anyway, last night I was doing my little undesired job aspect and one of the said nurses was bringing me a patient. Apparently the doctor was not impressed with the work of this said nurse and the nurse was asked to repeat a procedure. I have to admit I giggled A LOT, only in my head though, NEVER out loud! Needless to say, it was not her night.
Now, as I snickered all the way home about her night, God kicked me in the head and said "Amy, shame on you!" I am reminded of this verse: Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. Romans 12:19. Now while I did not actually take revenge, I took great pleasure in watching her struggle, and that makes me guilty for not leaving room for God to handle things. What I should have done is offered to give her a hand instead of simply watching her. I could have asked her earlier if there was anything I could do to help her get the patient ready. Instead I let her squirm. I let my anger and selfishness get in the way of my spirit. I am not a mean person. I have a gift for compassion and mercy, yet I stuffed that gift God has given me in a box and put a lid on it. Who am I to give God a gift back? Who am I to decide she needs to be punished. Honestly she did me a favor. She taught me through her ugliness that beauty can abound in me. Instead of letting that beauty abound I repayed her with ugliness. All I can do now is not let it happen again and seek forgiveness.
So I ask you dear bloggy friends to forgive my attitude. I have asked the Lord to forgive me, and I will ask her as well. I am to be a light and I will try my hardest not to fail. I know I will fail, but I will try not to!
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 430
4 days ago
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