Friday, February 20, 2009

I think I should Charge for that

So last night I'm at work. I get there and have a delivery right off the bat. OK, I'm good, she's delivered and I have one in labor. No big deal. So I get the delivered one all ready to go to post partum and then I can relax cause she's done. Right? NOPE!!!

The midwife comes in, checks my laboring patient and declares her status. Good we have about an hour, that gives me plenty of time to catch up on the charting the sweet nurse before me didn't do. 10 minutes later I'm in the patient's room catching a baby ALONE!!!

That'll be $3000 please!!


Thursday, February 12, 2009


Ok, so obviously I am a Christian and raising my children in the Christian faith. BB and DQ clearly know where we really came from, who made us, and where we are going after we die. But with what I'm watching right now I have to wonder if children not raised in Christian homes even have a prayer.

We are watching the Animal Planet right now. Usually it's jammed packed with dog training tips, contests, and vet shows. Right now however we are being submerged in the world 5 million, billion, something, something years ago, and also our planets impending doom. I guess at one time earth was like Venus with only water creatures alive and they were very bizarre. Did you know that our very first original ancestor was a fish type organism? It was the very first vertebrate on Earth!! Oh, and we are going to die by a Gamma Ray storm. We will be slowly incinerated if and when these Gamma ray storm thingies actually make it to Earth. Hmmmmm, slow incineration, ring any bells?

People, we worry about murderers, child molesters, evil children, but do we worry about these seemingly innocent avenues? I mean, this show is corruption at it's lowest and I thought Animal Planet was a somewhat safe channel. Good thing BB and DQ know the truth or elso they would be living their life in constant fear of the giant 500 lb scorpian that roamed the ocean floor and still may exist in the deepest darkest realms waiting to kill them!

Pray for your children tonight!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Two Little Words

All I'm asking is for her to understand two little words. Just two, no more. Is that really unreasonable? You tell me.

Spike the dog, SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I am talking to my dog, no I have not lost my mind, but if she doesn't learn those two little words I just might!!!!


Monday, February 9, 2009

It's Gonna Cost What????????

So we were going to buy a home, then we went to the dentist. Instead we are fixing mouths!!!!

Hubby is getting a deep clean with probing (?) done, then 4 root canals, and then a brige; oh and that's just the front of his mouth.

BB needs braces but we will wait to he grows a bunch more so that we won't need to repeat that expensive process.

DQ, well she needs stuff done NOW!! They are going to start by spacing out her teeth for 6 months, then she will wear a permanent retainer till all her adult teeth are here,which with her history will take a few years. Once her adult teeth are in then she will get braces as well. Hmmmmm, Chiching!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will now begin accepting donations......


Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Be forewarned that if you don't want to read my whining then this is not the post for you. If you do continue on, I apologize for my whining, but it simply needs to be done.

I am struggling. I am really having a hard time right now and I need your prayers. I know that there are so many terrible things happening out there to many of you right now, and for that I am truly sorry. I know that my little issues pale in comparison, but I am frustrated and sad, and I just need to whine for awhile.

As you know, I am working nights and it is not going so well. I have had a constant headache for weeks now, and even sometimes borderline migraine. I press on. I cannot get to sleep well anymore, and when I do I wake up in pain from my head and neck aching all the time. I am so tired and I am not a girl who does well without good rest. I will press on.

DQ is really working my last nerve these days. She is really going over the top with the emotional roller coaster. Also, I just cannot reason with her about anything EVER!! She just bursts into tears over every little thing you say or do that she doesn't like. Her math grade is steadily falling and fractions are going to be the death of me. Her teacher has been more that kind about allowing her extra time and tutoring, but DQ just won't have it. She has an excuse for everything, and is very good at playing the victim. I feel horrible because all it seems I'm ever doing is getting on to her, fussing at her, or just plain ready to choke her!!!! Nothing is ever enough, everything is always wrong, and she just cannot be reasoned with in any way. Ugh!!!!!!

As previously posted we have been having a few issues with our Internet provider. Well, I can not access my email at this point and I'm just too aggravated to deal with it in a Christian manner, so I will divert from that for a while and just hope and pray nothing urgent comes through for the next few days.

Hubby needs about $10,000 worth of dental work done, not to mention DQ's mouth is also a mess and needs some orthodontic work done ASAP. Fortunately our dentist is working with us on the money part, and hubby's mouth will simply have to be done in phases,but is is possible and that is a blessing and I am deeply grateful for that.

BB is doing fine thankfully. He's a little wound up these days, having some trouble exhibiting self control, but for the most part he's fairing pretty well considering the emotional time bomb he's currently living in.

Thanks for your time, I will go pout elsewhere for now.
Good night and God Bless,

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


So we had to get a new computer a couple of weeks ago. Then when we couldn't get online we had to get a new something or other from the DSL company. Then they messed up several times. All this being said I have not had internet access in quite some time. Guess what???? I survived!!!!

Now don't get me wrong, I missed it, and I have a ton of catching up to do, but I survived just fine. I wonder if I should try a few hours without the cell phone?? Naw, that I could not survive!!!


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