As I was driving home from work this morning I got to thinking about BB and DQ and how their childhood is so different from mine. It makes me kind of sad in some ways to think of some of the things they are missing out on.
I remember summer nights when the lighting bugs were so thick they would actually swarm around you. What a great time we used to have catching them at night!
Remember the ice cream truck? I swear he would pretend not to see us so we would chase him down. We would run till we couldn't run anymore then finally he would stop and what a great prize that ice cream was! I always got a rocket pop or a mickey mouse with a gum ball for a nose. Remember that?
There used to be a house at the bottom of our street with a creek running next to it full of tadpoles. They always had mason jars waiting for the kids to come catch tadpoles. They also had the best trees around. They were pines and they were so huge you could actually walk into the limbs and there was a secret world in there and nobody could see you from the outside.
Did any one's mother used to let them play with other kids who had the chicken pox? Mine did, it wasn't a big deal... in fact if you got them good cause then you get it over with!
Our town had bike trails that led all over the city. I remember going on the bike trails with my friends and spending all day riding our bikes. Oh what fun we used to have!
If we were at a friend's house and didn't behave, their mother spanked us. They were not afraid to call my parents and tell on me; my parents were not going to sue them for slander.
Today our children are living in a world where respect and courtesy are optional. They have no idea how to catch a tadpole or a lightning bug. Oh, and what in the world is an ice cream truck? Chicken pox??? OH MY!!! LITTLE JOHNNY HAS THE CHICKEN POX! LET'S QUARANTINE THE WHOLE CLASS!!!!!!
It's as if we weren't raised this way, but I was. I was raised that you play outside and come in for lunch and a band aide. I was raised that at dark you come in. I was raised to say please and thank you, and don't you talk back to adults or you are gonna get your mouth washed out with soap! My mom used to remind me every time I was invited somewhere "Don't forget to offer to help with the dishes after dinner!", and believe me I always offered! It was safe for children to ride their bikes to the gas station to spend their money on candy. It was a great idea to pack a picnic and walk to the park with your friends. Allowance was earned not expected. I think about this so much. I try to raise my kids in such a manner..... and I pray that they will raise their children the same way. Oh, and for the record, they have both had the chicken pox and everyone lived!!!
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
2 days ago
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