Well, those pesky little changes we all know I love have begun AGAIN! Today school started and my heart is broken. Not so much that school started, but the fact that BB started middle school and DQ is on her last year of elementary school probably has something to do with it! Seriously, when I dropped him off this morning instead of walking him to class I almost lost it. When I came home to get DQ up and ready and he was not sitting next to her at the breakfast table I almost lost it. When I walked DQ to her new class I was barely holding it together. When I saw a few moms I know I did lose it. BIG TIME! I just can't believe we are in middle school! I remember my 6th grade year so very clearly. I remember having my first boyfriend in
6th grade. I remember all the girls had grown up a lot over the summer in 6th grade. I remember calling boys and hanging up on them in 6th grade. I don't want little girls calling my baby. I don't want him having a girl friend (and I told him as much!). I hate the thought of him walking around that big cafeteria full of bigger, older, and strange kids! OK, need to stop now cause I'm getting myself worked up.
Along with school starting it is promotion Sunday at church. With that means yet again BB is now part of the youth, and we have new students in 7th grade. UGH! I hate change!!
Yesterday we did a little shopping in which BB chose "older" clothes to wear this year. He also decided to cut his hair. OH MY!!! BB cut his hair!! In Hworld that is a huge deal. Regardless, he looks adorable, err sorry, awesome. We had to buy him his very first bottle of hair gel to get that spiky, messy look he was aiming for. One thing though, he did ask me to fix his hair this morning.... ahhhh he still needs me!!!!
So I know you are dying for pics and you will get them I promise, but the camera is not working so well. As soon has dear hubby get's BB's camera loaded you will get your pics.... just chill!!!
Bye for now!
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 430
4 days ago
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