Thursday, July 16, 2009

200th Post

For my 200th post I am doing absolutely nothing special. In fact, I'm telling you farewell my people ......... for the weekend!! Ha, got ya, scared ya didn't I? You would be lost without me you know you would! Anyway, while you mourn me I'll be at the beach soaking up some sun, relaxation, and cool ocean breezes. I'll be playing with my babies and my sister's babies. I'll hanging with my sister and my mom. I'll be living it up, and you'll be here, feeling JEALOUS!

Funny story real quick to tide you over. DQ has a mess for a mouth. She has teeth growing in crooked and behind and under and over and... well you get it. They put in these expander things awhile back, you know where you have to torture your child every night and turn the key. Well, long story short they have been causing some problems so we went back. They had to pull the bottom one out, bend it to fit temporarily, then replace it with a new one. This was awful for DQ. It hurt, and her little mouth was so sore. Yesterday they decided to remove the expanders and place in retainers to "let the dust settle". Upon hearing that DQ wanted to know if there was really dust in her mouth...... Sweet princess!

Anway, ta ta for now. See you soon. Enjoy your week!

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