Hee Hee Hee, this is too funny!
click here for a good laugh!
Lately I've been waking up at about 4:30am and absolutely cannot go back to sleep till about 7:30. This particular time I have woken up feeling a bit queasey and with heartburn. The queasy thing has kind of been hanging around for the last few days: Hmmmmmmm.... Wonder why?????? No stress or anything! (Ha!!!!)
So Spike the dog has done it again. She strained, or twisted, or did something funky to either her gut or her back. It's kind of been an ongoing thing with her this year. She goes through these stages where she just grunts and cries and the vet just cannot figure out what is going on with her!! So I took her to Dr Bates yesterday (the vet) and he just looked at me and said " maybe ya'll should just move right next door, might save you some gas money!!" Guess he thought it was funny! J/K he's great with her, and very patient. Anyway, nothing new, protocol of antacids and rimadyl, heat and ice, and bed (err, I mean kennel) rest. Bear the puppy is having a harder time with this than Spike the dog. I mean who in the world is he going to pounce and tackle now?? Certainly BB will up his playtime now that Spike the dog can no longer tend to his every whim!!!!
Poory hubby, his alarm is going off and he just cannot seem to wake up. Mr snooze button is getting plenty of action today!! Hubby normally works from 6-2ish, sometines as late as 5 (am to pm), M-F with the occasional late evening or Saturday thrown in, but he's on a strectch right now where he's working 7 days a week and a lot of late nights. It's for one job in particular (he's a contractor for commercial building), which is scheduled to end at the end of July. He's exhausted. I haven't exactly been a rock of support for him either, so pray for him please. Think I'll take BB and DQ to see him for lunch today. He likes that.
Speaking of BB and DQ. They spent all of Thursday in their rooms. I let them out Friday morning for about an hour and a fight erupted. Of course I went sent them right back to their rooms. Will they ever learn? Anyway, after all day Friday and a good part of Saturday in their rooms I gave them another chance. So far a few minor disputes, nothing major. They are really trying, and I'm very pleased.
Not much else to report at the moment. Just a middle of the night, early morning recap to entertain myself, err I mean you!!!!
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 430
4 days ago
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