Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I've posted before about little Stellan (just click the button above to visit his page).
He has been doing wonderful with his SVT until last night. Sadly precious Stellan is having his worst bout yet. Please pray for him and his family right now. Drop what you are doing and PRAY! If you would like to follow the updates you can follow their twitter acount. You don't have to twitter, I don't, but she updates a lot on there.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Well, we are moved in to our new home. I love my house, I love it, love it, love it.
This being said it's pathetic that I'm down. I love change so very much as you all know! I'm down because life feels different. Not different in a bad way, just different; and different doesn't go over well with me. Pathetic I know.

Know what else is pathetic? How dependent I am upon cable tv. Not just me, my whole family. We are having cable issues and we are suffering greatly I must say. To our credit, BB is sick and it's pouring down rain, again, which limits us greatly as to possible alternative activities. BB actually took a nap today. The last time that happened he wasn't even potty trained yet! He's so miserable! We are so miserable! Pathetic.

Last night I was laying on our new reclining sofa watching the 5oth movie of the day and fell asleep about 9:00. I woke up sometime around 2 am and headed to my bed. Around 3 BB came stumbling in burning up with fever and babbling about algebraic equations. I panicked, woke hubby up, and then fell asleep next to BB in our great big new garden tub. Pathetic.

As far as fall breaks go this one will go down as bitter sweet. No traveling to some exotic destinations. No day after day of fun. However, we are in our brand new house, making it our home, and loving it. We are bored and cranky and irritable. We are frustrated and tired and have cabin fever (and regular fever too). BB has said on more than one occasion that he has no life (guess being sick and getting bad grades does that to ya!). DQ has a play date Thursday. We are getting lots of rest. We are getting very organized. We are cooking lots of food. Pathetic.
Maybe this summer we will travel to some place fun and exciting! Maybe??? PLEASE???? Pathetic I know!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Our son BB has always been an overachiever of sorts. He has always been the one we knew we didn't have to worry about. He usually does what he's told, he's pretty responsible, and he's very reliable. BB has been a straight A student since he started school. He loves to read and draw. He has the funniest personality of any kid I've ever met. He's always been solid as a rock. Lately our little guy has started to stumble HARD. He is not doing his school work, he's talking and being disruptive in class, he's been caught in several lies, and I even caught him reading a book he know's he's not allowed to read.
Now don't get me wrong. I realize he's just a kid. I know he's human and he's gonna make mistakes. I know he cannot be perfect all the time. What I'm struggling with is that it's becoming an everyday occurrence. I don't trust him at all right now. I'm so angry at him, and so hurt by him. I have gotten emails from two of his teachers and it's only the beginning of the 2nd quarter. I have NEVER gotten a negative email about him. I am just at a loss of what to do. He is not turning in assignments, he's "losing" things, and he is just plain all out lying about his school work.
I feel terrible about being so angry at him, but I am so hurt by this. I just don't understand what is going on! As I type this he is sitting at the counter at 9:00 doing work that was due last week. He has been working on make up work all week and still doesn't seem to understand the gravity of his situation. We have taken away all of his privileges. He sat down on the couch to read a book tonight and I had to make him put it down to do more homework. This is breaking my heart. I just don't understand and I just don't know what to do!
I have been trying so hard not to constantly ride him about it. I have tried to be encouraging and patient. I have tried to keep in mind that middle school can be a big adjustment. Tonight though I finally lost my patience. I got an email from his science teacher asking if he could start staying after school to catch up because she is concerned he won't be able to if he falls any further behind. It would be one thing if the work was too hard, that I could understand. He's just being lazy. He even said as much to me. Bless his heart, he has admitted to all of his wrong doings when asked, but he has been very sneaky until he got caught. I'm just at a loss. I am just sad and frustrated.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

All Better

No worries, we are no longer contagious so it's safe to come back! DQ is all healed up and back to her usual spunky self!! Really this swine/H1N1 flu was no big deal!

So I don't know if you remember a few posts back where I was whining about being put in my place at work. A couple of fellow coworkers took it upon themselves to inform a manager of my fears (just so you know they were never fears just strong dislike) of a specific aspect of my job. Anyhooo.... I am pleased to announce that what went around came around last night. I know I know, get over it Amy. Grow up Amy. Move on Amy. Well, guess what? I am imperfect and decided to wallow in self pity and anger for a few days, so sue me!

Anyway, last night I was doing my little undesired job aspect and one of the said nurses was bringing me a patient. Apparently the doctor was not impressed with the work of this said nurse and the nurse was asked to repeat a procedure. I have to admit I giggled A LOT, only in my head though, NEVER out loud! Needless to say, it was not her night.

Now, as I snickered all the way home about her night, God kicked me in the head and said "Amy, shame on you!" I am reminded of this verse: Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. Romans 12:19. Now while I did not actually take revenge, I took great pleasure in watching her struggle, and that makes me guilty for not leaving room for God to handle things. What I should have done is offered to give her a hand instead of simply watching her. I could have asked her earlier if there was anything I could do to help her get the patient ready. Instead I let her squirm. I let my anger and selfishness get in the way of my spirit. I am not a mean person. I have a gift for compassion and mercy, yet I stuffed that gift God has given me in a box and put a lid on it. Who am I to give God a gift back? Who am I to decide she needs to be punished. Honestly she did me a favor. She taught me through her ugliness that beauty can abound in me. Instead of letting that beauty abound I repayed her with ugliness. All I can do now is not let it happen again and seek forgiveness.

So I ask you dear bloggy friends to forgive my attitude. I have asked the Lord to forgive me, and I will ask her as well. I am to be a light and I will try my hardest not to fail. I know I will fail, but I will try not to!


Monday, October 5, 2009

Sicky Sicky

In nursing school one of my instructors who actually had her PhD used to say " I don't like all that sicky sicky stuff". Of course we were all thinking HELLOOOOOO? You are a nurse and you don't like "sicky sicky stuff"?

Well, now I know what she meant. I still do dream of being an ICU nurse, but I am currently a labor and delivery nurse and I HATE it when I get a sick patient. Not high blood pressure, renal failure kind of sick, but snotty, fever, diarrhea kind of sick. EWWWWW! I know, makes no sense to you either huh?

My point to all this is that I am tired of sicky sicky here at Hworld. DQ is feeling better, or so I thought, then she woke up this morning hacking up a lung and feverish again. BB woke up this morning in tears because his throat is hurting him so bad. Ugh, sicky sicky!!!!! One of these days I need to go back to work and take care of nice, healthy, laboring women!!!


Saturday, October 3, 2009


Well, I knew it was coming, the swine, or more recent H1N1, flu has graced our family with it's lovely charms. Poor DQ has it. I'll admit though it was good timing. We are in the process of getting ready to move so we don't have much in the way of big plans over the next couple of weeks so we were able to work it so that I can stay home and take care of her. BB is off at a friends house, hubby is at the UGA game, and DQ and I are on the couch eating junk food and watching movies. We are enjoying it too!! While DQ isn't as miserable as she was yesterday she is pale, and tired, and still running a low grade fever. Kids are so resilient! She just bounced right back!

I have to admit, I am enjoying sitting here at home relaxing with her on the couch. I'm sorry she had to get so sick, but there is nothing like spending the day at home with your precious baby! I love being home with her! She's just such a sweet little girl and one of my most favorite people in the world!

Tomorrow we shall sleep in and if she's feeling up to it we will run to Snellville and purchase our new refrigerator for the house. This weekend is tax free on energy efficient appliances so it's a great weekend to get it! I just can't believe how quickly this is all happening!!! We had the home inspection yesterday and other than a few minor cosmetic issues the house is in great shape and ready for us to move in. We are closing on October 16. Can't wait!!

Here's hoping all are well at your home! Don't forget to wash your hands and cough into your arm, not your hands!!!!


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