Saturday, January 17, 2009

Giving and Taking

I'm up early this morning, still not able to get a good sleep schedule going. I am very heavy hearted this morning. The other night at work I had an absolutely heartbreaking case to deal with. I saw a mother's desperation to save her baby at whatever cost. I saw a father's desperation to save his wife at whatever cost. I read her life in a medical chart and my heart wept for her. This morning as I was catching up on my blog again I've been faced with a mother's desperation. Please visit Adrienne and/0r Angie, Boomama today and send up your prayers to the Lord. I do not understand why things like this happen to people, but I do know that He is in control and He has a plan for us. All He wants from us is to love, serve, obey, and rejoice in Him.

Reading all these things brings about a thankful heart in me. Why am I so blessed to have such two beautiful children and other women are not? Why me God, what did I do to have such a blessing in my life? Getting married and having children was never a second thought in my mind. I just accepted it and never gave a thought to the chance that I would have problems having children, and I never did. In fact, it's kind of a family joke that the wind blew and I got pregnant. Then I watched someone very near and dear to my heart have to go through fertility treatments. A woman who fears needles like children fear monsters, went through nightly injections of hormones to have a baby. She was blessed with two! I am watching another couple struggle so hard. Test after test, surgeries, treatments, procedures, all to produce nothing.

Today I'm asking you, if you have been blessed with children, fall down on your knees and praise the Lord. I know there are days when I'm ready to pull my hair out. There are days when I would give anything to just have some peace and quiet. But today, I'm going to hug them, and love them, and cherish them, as what a gift from heaven they truly are!

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