Well, Bear the puppy has moved from animalcide to cellacide. He has graduated from torturing DQ and eating her beloved stuffed animals, and moved on to me and eating my behated cell phone. ARRRGGGG!!! Remind me again why we felt it necessary to get BB a puppy? J/K, even though he's a bit of a pain in the you know what, we still love him. Yea, love him, the snuggly, furry, kissy little beast!
We have had a nice weekend. Yesterday we slept in till about 10 am. That was absolutely fabulous. Hubby and I layed in bed and watched a movie we've never seen, then we all got up and got dressed. We spent some time at hubby big bro's house then went to the boat show at the mall. We got hubby some much needed clothes, then came on home. We all had what we wanted for dinner, then watched another movie, then off to bed. Ahhh, a nice unstressful day. Today however has been a bit different. I've been cooking since we got home from church for about 20 people, and hubby has tackled the laundry. Atleast we can say we've been productive!!
So today at church our pastor is doing a series called the final four. It's really pretty cool--he's talking about the last days of Jesus's life and what really took place vs. what we like to see took place. He's using the book of Mark. I was reminded today during his sermon of the story where Jesus cursed the fig tree (Mark 11:12-15). In the side notes it discusses how the fig tree showed promise of fruit but did not produce any. Jesus was frustrated at the people and used the fig tree as a way to express his thoughts and feelings. One minute the people are praising Him and waving Him into town with palm branches (Mark 11:1-10), and then a few days later were part of the crowd yelling to kill him. Not only does this show us hipocracy, but also how we as christians sometimes (most times for me) lead a "religious life" without substance. We show promise of fruit, but do actually bear the fruit? If you claim to have faith in your life without putting it to work in your life, you are like the barren fig tree.
Hope all had a good weekend!!!
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 430
4 days ago
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