Monday, March 15, 2010

Not Me Monday

So it's been a really long time since I've done a Not Me Monday. I have a lot to share but honestly can't remember ANYTHING at the moment!
Let's see....
I am a labor and delivery nurse in the busiest birth care center in the country, but I am not sitting here watching Birth Day on tv. I'm also not yelling at the tv because they are saying stupid stuff that isn't right! It doesn't really annoy me when patients watch this show religiously, then bring their "knowledge" with them and question everything we do and say!
I did not blow dry my son's hair this morning and notice that he is now only about an inch shorter than me. I absolutely had no problem seeing right over the top of his head! I'm also not secretly hoping he's not going to decide to take advantage of that little situation!
Speaking of growing children, I did not get excited when BB grew out of his tennis shoes before he wore them out. They won't fit me, and they are not in my closet right now!
I did not get this nasty stomach flu at work, and I did not have to let a doctor go off the phone so I could go vomit. Nope, not me! I also didn't take a placenta bucket home with me in case of emergency on my 45 minute drive home from work!
Speaking of grand theft from work. I also didn't take a measured pee bucket from work to measure Callie the puppy's pee. She has been having some UTI's, but I would never take a pee bucket from work!!!!
OK, I've shamed myself enough for one day. I shall return with more humiliating stories another day!!

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