So a couple of nights ago hubby came home doubled over in pain. He asked me to feel his belly button... " wow honey, it's a belly button".
"No, wait till I cough then try again"
So he coughs and I feel, OH MY did I feel. He had this bubbled out place that was really kind of gross to feel, and really quite painful for him to have me feel So we are thinking hernia, ok, doctor tomorrow.
Yesterday morning he's in so much pain, but being the typical stubborn man that he is, he goes to work, as do I.
I mentioned to situation to one of the docs on my unit (keep in mind I'm a labor and delivery nurse) and he recommends hubby go to the ER. I call hubby and of course I hear "I'm fine honey, just going to the doctor this afternoon". Ugh, REALLY?
So here I am, stressed out. Several of the nurses and I called hubby again asking him to please come here to the ER, but NO!
Evening rolls around and I am just finishing up with a delivery and hubby calls "Dr. M says it's pretty bad, need to have surgery, can you find me a surgeon?" Well, of course I can! As soon as I repeated the word surgery 2 docs were on the phone calling surgeons and fast tracking hubby through the system while I am on the phone with hubby explaining the importance of heading here NOW.
So here I sit in hubby's hospital room typing this blog while he enjoys his happy juice awaiting surgery. I think I'll rub it in a bit that my manly husband got admitted to the hospital by an Obstetrician!!!
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
3 days ago