Tonight I graduate from college. I can't believe it! For those who know me, this has been a long time coming huh? I have been waiting so long for this day and here it is!! I know I still have my pinning, but this is my graduation!!
I just want to thank so many people and I don't even know where to start! This has been a long road with many ups and downs. There were so many times when it got so hard I just didn't want to go on. There were times when I was just so tired and burned out I just was ready to quit. There were times when I was so discouraged that I didn't think I could do this. But thanks to Jesus, and the beautiful people above, and countless others who just kept pushing me on I made it. We made it!!!
Hubby, you have been a rock for me. Everytime I had an exam you would call me just before and remind me you were praying. You made me feel like I could take one more step, that you were with me! You reassured me all the time that you were here with me always, no matter what. No matter how cranky I got, how much I cried you were there. I know you must be so excited to actually have clean clothes in you drawers, dinner at night, a place to sit on the couch (my books were always in the way!!). I love you sooooo much, my very best friend!
BB, little man you have been so great. I know this as been so hard on you. You feel it all don't you my little man? You have been such an inspiration to me. You are so gifted and talented and you made me want to press on even when I was doubting myself (which was often!). You made me laugh when I just wanted to cry. You made it through this buddy!
DQ, my princess. You have been my little cheerleader all the way! Never once did you doubt me, you just accepted I was going to be a nurse and never looked back. I love you so much for that assurance. You, DQ are such a sweet girl with a big heart and your love was always felt!!
Mom, where do I start? I guess now, you are retired! You drove endless miles over the last few years, and never once did you make me feel like you didn't want to. At a moment's notice you would come when we needed you. I can't thank you enough. You and Dad sacrificed for me and I can't tell you how much it helped. I love you sooo much!
I know this post was mostly for those precious people above, but they deserve the recognition!!
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