I have been on a cleaning and organizing rampage the last few weeks. I decided to attack BB and DQ's rooms with a vengeance. I regretted it later for various reasons, but the main one is it wound up hurting me way more than it hurt them. How is that you ask? Well, on top of the room cleaning, I have decided to really clamp down on how they take care of the said rooms. I am sick and tired of buying clothes to replace missing ones when all along the missing clothes were stuffed under a bed or in the back of a closet. I am sick of finding wet towels on the floor. I am tired of stuffed animal guts everywhere because Bear the puppy got to it because it wasn't put away.
Anyway, back to my original reason for this long, drawn out post. Last week DQ was given several chances to clean her room. I repeatedly threatened her, fussed at her, hinted at her, attempted to bribe her, etc. Why go to all this trouble you ask? Because her punishment definitely hurt me more than it hurt her. DQ lost her riding lessons this week because she refused to clean her room. It broke my heart! I have always wanted to teach her how to ride. I have always wanted to take her to horse shows and give her a taste of my childhood. Not to mention,she's a pretty darned good little rider!
Needless to say, I could no longer justify letting her get away with not cleaning her room. When hubby and I agreed the time to dole out punishment arrived, I tearfully informed DQ of her loss. I cried secretly all afternoon as this is killing me! My one hope is that hubby and I have always given our children the opportunity to earn back a lost item/privilege. I sure hope she cleans her room this week cause I really want to watch my daughter take her first victory lap around the ring with everyone watching and clapping at her brilliance!!!!
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
1 day ago